What is Financial Independence?
Having enough savings or building sufficient income streams to enable you to live life on your own terms, without being dependent on a 9-5 paycheck
What would you do if you weren't dependent on your 9-5 paycheck?
How Topia’s helping our community unlock financial independence, faster

Topia in action

Topia user 9,145
Barista FI
Since discovering Topia, I kissed goodbye to Personal Capital and my endless FI spreadsheet (I can't tell you how much I hated that spreadsheet!). Now, I love seeing my entire FI journey clearly and simply laid out in one place!

Topia in action

Topia user 13,190
When my bonus hit my investment account, Topia immediately flagged it and calculated its impact on my time to FI — slicing six months off my traditional FI date and nine off my Lean FI
Traditional FI
Topia in action

Topia user 839
Traditional FI
After 8 years of pursuing FI, I'd accumulated over $1m thanks to a 67% savings rate. Without Topia, I'd never have realized I could start coasting to FI and still hit my FI number before 50. So I dropped my savings to 0%, and shifted to a 3-day workweek, freeing up time for travel, family, and surfing!
Topia in action

After mapping my FI journey with Topia, I found out taking an 18-month mini-retirement to kickstart my dream side business and explore Southeast Asia would only push back my FI date by 20 months!
Topia user 2,183
Mini Retirement
Topia in action

After playing around with my numbers in Topia, I was shocked to see that trimming my expenses by just 10% each month could shave a whole year off my journey to FI!
Topia user 493
Lean FI
Topia in action

After playing around with my numbers in Topia, I was shocked to see that trimming my expenses by just 10% each month could shave a whole year off my journey to FI!
Topia user 5,392
Cashflow FI
Topia in action
Topia User: 49
Your Topia: CashFlow FI
Topia User: 8,392
Your Topia: Traditional FI
Topia User: 11,402
Your Topia: Barista FI
Topia User: 87
Your Topia: CashFlow FI
Topia User: 401
Your Topia: CashFlow FI
The Topia story
Discover the story of how Logan and Grant launched Topia, the first purpose-built financial independence app, designed to help millions master their money and unlock more freedom in their life.

Grant Sabatier
Topia Cofounder
Grant Sabatier discovered his life's mission: to help as many people as possible unlock financial independence. His book, "Financial Freedom," quickly became an international bestseller, guiding millions around the globe toward their own financial independence. When Logan pitched the idea of Topia, Grant was all in. It was a chance to help even more people unlock a life on their terms.
Logan Leckie
Topia Cofounder
Discovering the FIRE movement ignited a spark in Logan, leading him to quit his corporate job within just six months by launching several side businesses. This taste of freedom wasn't just for him; it sparked a vision. He reached out to Grant Sabatier, fueled by an ambitious plan: to create the first all-in-one app for financial independence, aiming to help millions more unlock a life on their terms.

Life's too short to be wasting the best years of your life stressing over money 24/7.
In her deeply moving book The Top Five Regrets of the Dying, nurse Bronnie Ware says the big two regrets of the dying are:
I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
I wish I hadn’t worked so hard.
Ask yourself:
Are you making the most out of your life right now?
Are you spending enough time with the people you love most... making new memories with your partner, kids, siblings, parents, and grandparents?
Are you living out your highest purpose and growing as a person... whether it’s making art, traveling the world, learning new skills, or teaching others?
What about your health?
Are you taking care of yourself so you can keep showing up stronger, faster, and better for the people counting on you for as long as possible?
Or is it all on hold and fading away quickly... because you’re stuck burning out in some never-ending hustle for biweekly paychecks at a job you hate?
I don’t know about you…
But I believe life’s way too short for that..
The truth is, so many people get caught up living a life that isn’t theirs because they’re trying to achieve someone else’s idea of success… be it their parents, colleagues, or even strangers on social media.
They start thinking life is all about sacrificing your best years alive so you can become some 90-year old millionaire who can zip from penthouse to penthouse in a private jet…
But if they took a moment to sit down, breathe, and get honest about what truly makes them happy in life...
…they’d realize they don’t need nearly as much money as it might seem to live “the good life,”